Baxter St Fellowship
2024: Joiri Minaya
2023: Cheryl Mukherji
Baxter St at CCNY and STONELEAF RETREAT, with the generous support and partnership of 7|G Foundation, created this fellowship to support lens based artists with their continued practice. The Fellows receive an unrestricted grant of $1,500 and participate in a three week group residency with two other artists, which include Open Studios during UPSTATE ART WEEKEND which attracts thousands of visitors to the Catskills Mountain and Hudson Valley.
ABOUT BAXTER ST: Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York supports emerging lens-based artists at critical moments of their careers. Founded in 1884, Baxter St is one of New York’s oldest artist-run nonprofit spaces, and has long been a catalyst for innovative creation within the artistic mediums of photography and video practices. Through exhibitions, workspace residency programs, and conversations series, Baxter St is a hub for a vibrant community deeply engaged in the art of lens-based contemporary practices.
ABOUT 7|G: 7|G Foundation champions organizations and individuals that challenge inequality in human rights, education, art and culture. By partnering with organizations, artists and community facilitators we seek to build strong community bonds that elevate local culture, while supporting cultural change founded upon our core values of social impact and sustainability.