Libby Pratt has been announced as the 2023 recipient of the Baxter St Family Residency at STONELEAF RETREAT and is made possible by the generous support of 7|G Foundation and the Howard & Sarah D. Solomon Foundation.
“Having twins in a community where childcare is scarce upended my ideas about what was possible to accomplish as a mother and creative professional. Receiving the Stoneleaf / Baxter St Family Residency is such an incredible gift at a crucial moment for me professionally and personally and I can't wait for the time and mental space to dedicate my efforts to my creative work,” Pratt says.
Libby Pratt, Installation shot of Sequence Scale, 2018. dimensions variable; 33 archival inkjet prints mounted on aluminum, wire
Libby Pratt, portrait by Moyra Davey
Growing up biracial in a large Chinese family, my work is informed by parallel strains of belonging and difference. When making work, I look at loss and longing, intimacy and vulnerability, chance and intention. Familial situations provide a solid structure from which to explore these themes; familial structures remain constant yet retain the power and potential to surprise. On a physical level, I’m interested in how my work can operate in different states of movement and/or transformation both for the viewer and the object itself.
Libby Pratt (b. 1978 Seattle, WA) is a multidisciplinary artist, educator, and facilitator. Through video, photography, and installation, she looks at the role of familial relationships as they relate to broader societal concerns such as LGBTQIA+ rights, race, the environment, and the universal cycles of life and death. Her eventworks created under New Draft Collective include sailing excursions where the curated program is based on the navigational route of the sail. Her work has been exhibited worldwide and was most recently on view in the exhibition Dust: the plates of the present at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, France.
ABOUT BAXTER ST: Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York supports emerging lens-based artists at critical moments of their careers. Founded in 1884, Baxter St is one of New York’s oldest artist-run nonprofit spaces, and has long been a catalyst for innovative creation within the artistic mediums of photography and video practices. Through exhibitions, workspace residency programs, and conversations series, Baxter St is a hub for a vibrant community deeply engaged in the art of lens-based contemporary practices.
ABOUT 7|G: 7|G Foundation champions organizations and individuals that challenge inequality in human rights, education, art and culture. By partnering with organizations, artists and community facilitators we seek to build strong community bonds that elevate local culture, while supporting cultural change founded upon our core values of social impact and sustainability.